```` =============== The ```` element is used to define logical conditions in FlightGear using XML. A number of child elements can be used inside of an opening ```` and closing ````, and chained together to create complex conditional statements. Simple Conditions ----------------- Before covering complex condition statements, it is worth discussing the usage of simplistic condition statements can be created using consisting only of the ```` element, with a ```` element enclosed. .. code-block:: xml engines/engine[0]/running For those with programming experience, this concept is similar to an expression that is implicitly checking if the value is ``true``, or ``false`` .. code-block:: cpp if (engine_running) { // engine_running is true // do something } These child elements include: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 and equals false greater-than-equals greater-than not-equals less-than-equals less-than not or true Usage ----- .. code-block:: xml /my/p my-value Sub-tags -------- Examples -------- Because conditional logic is such a foundational building block, it can be used in a tremendous number of different ways. Imagine an aircraft developer wants to simulation a failing engine. Part of this engine failure simulation will include a particle effect, so that when the engine is failing, it begins to emit smoke. In order to prevent the engine from smoking all of the time, a conditional statement can be used alongside the particle effect, to ensure that it is only active under the right conditions. .. code-block:: xml engines/engine[0]/running 1 engines/engine[0]/smoking 1